Learning Greek in the MTC -- a rough week-by-week overview

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You'll probably be in the MTC for nine weeks. Here's what my MTC group did in those weeks:

I didn't include everything (not by far); just some notes on a few things. So don't worry if you don't understand everything. The purpose of these pages is not for you to learn all this. In fact, please don't learn all this before you enter the MTC. If you do, it will be very discouraging for the other missionaries, who won't have this knowledge already. It's only intended for you to have a look at, so that you've seen it before, and when you learn it in the MTC, it'll be easier for you. (I had bought myself a book which I consider excellent, which I used for that purpose; I glanced through it and read some here and there, and I found it easier later in the MTC to learn some of the things I had seen before.)

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