Recommended books

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Here are some books I recommend. Because I come from Germany, most of these are useful for German speakers. I also include some books you shouldn't buy, because you'll be issued them in the MTC or when you arrive in Greece. Disclaimer: I liked these books, and they helped me. You may learn differently, or look for something else in a book. Your mileage may vary.

If you have a comments on these books or would like to submit some titles of books that have helped you, e-mail me with your suggestions and I'll add them to this page.

Also, I don't know which books the mission and the MTC currently issue the missionaries. About the time that I left, they were re-evaluating which books missionaries use frequently, and, as a consequence, some the books I'm recommending you buy may already be standard issue. Can anyone send me the list of currently issued books? Either e-mail me, or send it to me by post (my address is in the "about myself" page). Thanks a lot!

Elder Newton's list of some books he recommends:

Books to buy before you enter the MTC

Books to buy once you get to Greece

Books not to buy, because you're issued them anyway

Books that other people recommend:

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