Greek for Missionaries

Ελληνικά για Ιεραποστόλους

Hi -- I'm Elder Newton.

This is a Greek language page for beginners, targetted especially at LDS missionaries who will be going to Greece.

Αν μπορείς να διαβάσεις αυτό, έχεις καλά φοντ
(If you can read the above line, your browser supports Greek, and you have the required fonts. Congratulations! [Check: This 'ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ' should look roughly like 'EAAHNIKA' or like 'ELLYNIKA', not like 'AEECIEEA' or 'IIIIIIII' or 'II>I>I-IITMIsI'])

Click here for the menu.

How to view Greek fonts

Email me at if you have any comments or suggestions.

Nothing on this page yet, but more soon to come!

This site was last updated on 7 Mar 1998.

I rated with RSAC